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You dream of these days before your journey, and hopefully, you will get to experience them. But all the other days are also part of your adventure, making your White Ribbon a rich and fulfilling experience.

Menno Huber

Completed Ribbons:
White Ribbon 2017 and 2024 with dogsledge.

Brünggen, Schweiz.

Special memory or experience:
Those traveling with sled dogs, like everyone else, get to experience many wonderful encounters with people and see incredible landscapes. But the journey is mostly defined by the intense collaboration with the dogs. I especially remember Lurvas. As a young lead dog, he prevented a serious accident on just the second day. He lay down, refused to move, and stopped us from falling several meters over a cornice that crossed the trail.

My greatest lesson from my journeys:
Thinking in scenarios is an important tool when preparing. I paid special attention to the possibility of getting stuck in the mountains during a storm. I carefully thought through the scenario in detail and then practiced it, ensuring I could easily execute the plan in an emergency.

Favorite place / favorite section along the Ribbon:
In 2024, we drove our second-to-last stage from Råstojaure to Keinvuopio in perfect weather. There, you feel closer to the sky than anywhere else in the mountains. It’s a magical stretch, and it almost felt like I could see the curvature of the Earth.

Tips I want to share:
It’s great to plan your journey carefully – then forget the plan and follow your intuition, the wind, and the weather. If you add a dose of patience, humor, and humility, nothing can stand in the way of an amazing experience. Enjoy the journey and the time you’ve given yourself. Good luck!

Special area of expertise I can offer tips on:
Dog sledding tours or what it’s like to plan a Ribbon journey outside of Sweden.

Any questions to Menno?

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