I hiked parts of the Kungsleden late in the evening and at night. It’s a special experience to pass pitched tents and silent cabin sites, enjoying the majestic surroundings all alone.
Wilda Nilsson
Completed Ribbons:
Green Ribbon 2024.
Fjällnäs in Funäsfjällen, Sweden.
A special memory or experience:
A few kilometers from Helags, I took a mid-morning break and made coffee. The sun was warm, and there was just enough wind to keep the mosquitoes away. In front of me, I could see Helags and Predikstolen, and it felt so good to just be there. To sip my coffee slowly, with no “musts” or “shoulds” at all. Just being.
For me, the Green Ribbon is made up of many such small moments of total presence. Looking back, I can clearly feel the immense mental load that everyday life with work and logistics actually brings. I can’t help but wonder why we choose to live this way. Because I don’t think it’s truly good for either the mind or the body.
My greatest lesson from my journeys:
It was a gift to experience solitude, silence, and the sense of peace and freedom that I only find in nature. To move entirely at my own pace, adapting to nothing but the conditions of the natural world. I’ve learned to trust myself and to appreciate my own company. At the same time, this made me value the encounters with people along the way even more. I take with me the insight that I will always manage. And that I feel my best when I make decisions by listening inward and reflecting, rather than being influenced by others’ opinions about me or my choices.
I also learned the hard way not to wash my shell jacket before the Green Ribbon—waterproofing sprays don’t work. I ended up being wet most days because it rained a lot.
I also wish I had included the Padjelanta Trail as part of my Green Ribbon and that I had started, rather than finished, my hike at Treriksröset.
Favorite place / Favorite section along the Ribbon:
Every stretch has its highlights, but it was my first time hiking the Lapplandsleden. Walking across Aamere in sunshine and clear weather was incredible—definitely worth all the elevation gain that day. I also had an amazing final week from Abisko to Treriksröset through Norway. The vast landscapes, the views, and the beautiful weather made for a perfect ending to the Green Ribbon. I even swam in a waterfall a few hundred meters before Gaskashytta—the water was warm, and I had the place entirely to myself. I made coffee by the water and had the best break of my life.
Tips I want to share:
There are stores along the way where you can buy food, as long as you don’t have any special dietary needs. Sending resupply boxes is completely unnecessary—you can shop along the way and support local businesses instead. This also gives you flexibility and the option to adjust your route based on weather, snow conditions, and other factors.
I have one more tip: hike at your own pace. Whether you walk 50 kilometers a day or five doesn’t matter—your Ribbon is yours. Don’t worry about what others think you should do.
Special area of expertise:
I’m happy to answer questions about hiking routines, gear, and what it’s like to hike solo. And of course, I can share more about my route choices too!
LINK to the journal blog about all the days on my Green Ribbon.