Register for the White & Green Ribbon
Are you ready for a unique mountain adventure through Sweden’s mountain wilderness? It will be amazing, but also incredibly challenging. You’ll experience glorious days with blue skies and endure some truly wild weather. You’ll savor moments of solitude but also cherish encounters with kind and welcoming people. And you’ll create unforgettable memories for life.
A warm welcome to sign up for the White & Green Ribbon! Simply click on REGISTER to the right and fill in your details. Then, an unforgettable adventure awaits you.
News! The Ribbons in sections
In addition to the classic White Ribbon and Green Ribbon, which are completed continuously during one winter or summer, there is now the option to sign up for the White Ribbon Sections or Green Ribbon Sections. This means that you can divide the entire distance and complete your Ribbon over a period of up to five seasons. You can also choose the length, direction, and order of each section yourself.
Of course, a well-deserved diploma is included for the Sections participant, but unfortunately no brass plaque at the Hall of Fame in Grövelsjön.
The registration fee is 1,800 SEK. If you’ve previously signed up for a Ribbon, you’re considered a Veteran and receive a 300 SEK discount.
For the new variant Section, the starting fee is 1,500 SEK, followed by 300 SEK for each year until you have completed your Ribbon.
When you sign up, you’ll gain access to your personal membership card via the Cardskipper app. This gives you access to a variety of exclusive BENEFITS.
For the Sections variant, the same benefits as the original version are now included, but this may change in the future.
Terms & Conditions
Sign up as soon as you’ve decided to embark on the adventure (unfortunately, registration cannot be completed after you’ve started your journey). If, for any reason, you are unable to start, you may postpone your registration for up to one year at no extra cost, as long as it’s before your planned start date.
Registration is personal, so even if you’re traveling with companions, every participant must complete their own registration. In your registration, you can indicate your travel companions for the journey.
Also remember that your Ribbon adventure is carried out at your own responsibility and risk. Therefore, carefully read through all the RULES for the trip as well as the TERMS & CONDITIONS for your registration. For safety reasons, we also require that you bring an EMERGENCY TRANSMITTER for your own safety.
Welcome to the adventure!