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Gröna Bandet 2016


The mountain range, stretching between Grövelsjön in the south and Treriksröset in the north (the Three-Country Cairn, is a unique geographic landmark where the borders of Sweden, Norway, and Finland converge). This spans approximately 1,300 km. However, since you can choose your own path west of certain designated points, the variation is immense, offering you the chance to create your very own route.

West of certain locations

You are free to travel as you like, without motorized assistance, but you must pass west of, or through, these specific locations:


  • Torneträsk, eastern point
  • Nikkaluokta
  • Saltoluokta
  • Jäckvik
  • Håkafot
  • Undersåker

Signs at the start, finish, and halfway point

At both Grövelsjön and Treriksröset, there are signs indicating the distance remaining to complete your journey of the White or Green Ribbon. In Hemavan, a sign marks that you are approximately halfway through your trek.



Here, you can explore how other trekkers have chosen to travel along the Green Ribbon during summer and the White Ribbon during winter.

Click the picture to enlarge

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